Friday 13 November 2015


Our life would be more happier if we could overcome worry. If by miracle we were assured to worry no more, it would seem like a new world altogether.When one worries a lot it ends up affecting their physical state causing them to be down with some health issues.

Worries which are also our troubles have a way of becoming more bigger when one reflect on them constantly, there by drifting one mind from his aimed goal causing him to be discouraged and being filled up with worries that might never happen.

We can avoid worrying by:
  • Learning to shut the gate; We worry likewise about decisions made in the past. Now, really what good is it to worry about a decision that has been made? For good or ill it is made, so why not put it out of mind? If it was wrong, charge it up to experience. If it was right, thank God for your wisdom. But good or bad shut the gate on it.
Set your worries down on a paper, those that have happen and those that have not happened, and I will venture the opinion that for most of us the latter greatly outnumber the former. It would be a wholesome idea to place the paper where you can see it when you retire each night. It will help you to sleep well, and in the morning it will give you courage and faith for the day.
  •  Taking a Cue from the Birds; Matt6:26, Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much valuable than they?

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